Who We Are
About Us
Write On Press is a private digital publishing house for professional writers and independent authors who realize that having incredible talent isn’t enough to guarantee success in the literary marketplace.
Since February of 2012, we have offered aspiring authors the direction and support they need to propel themselves to the next level of success in their literary journey.
If this sounds like the type of resource you’ve been looking for, check out what we have to offer. It’s likely that you’ll find a way that we can move you forward on your journey.

Ways We Can Help
Write for Write On Press:
Write On Press is looking for contract staff writers to generate content for its entertainment platforms.
Category specialists, unpublished and previously published authors are welcome. Minority and non-western writers are encouraged to apply.
Click the button for details on this program.
The Write On Writer's Program:
This program is a paid, career development program for the aspiring professional writer and/or independent author. The participant will work with professional editorial staff to develop and complete assignments in fiction and/or non-fiction genres, build skillsets necessary for literary success, and create their own active brand in the marketplace.
Click the button for details on this program.
The Write On Institute: (Coming Soon!)
You are an aspiring professional writer or independent author. You’ve seen countless online classes offered by best selling authors on how you can make your next project a bestseller, too!
These classes may offer some valuable insight into the successful journey of another author. However, you may be better served by getting direction on how to develop your own career path. Even better, get direction directly from the industry professionals who will hire and contract with you.
Make sense? Click the button to get more info.